Board of Directors
Board of Directors

Chrissine A. Cairns, MA
American CME Executive Director
Chrissine heads American CME’s accreditation compliance, platform administration, and user support. She brings two decades of experience in higher education to American CME as an educator, instructional designer for online education, academic writer and researcher, student services specialist, and learning management system administrator.

Kolby Miller, MBA, IC, Paramedic
American CME Education Director
Chief Executive Officer, Medstar Ambulance; Paramedic and EMS IC

Dr. Michael Feld, MD, FACEP
American CME Medical Director
Physician, Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital; Medical Director, TeamHealth Emergency Medicine, Ascension Macomb-Oakland Hospital; Medical Director, Macomb County Medical Control Authority

Matt Zavadsky, MS-HSA, NREMT
Chief Transformation Officer, MedStar Mobile Healthcare, Fort Worth, Texas; EMS Senior Associate at the Center for Public Safety Management, Washington, D.C.

Jerry L. Overton, MPA
President, International Academies of Emergency Dispatch, Salt Lake City, Utah; Past President of the American Ambulance Association

Jon Krohmer, MD, FACEP, FAEMS
Dr. Krohmer is a volunteer with the National EMS Museum, a member of the Panel of Commissioners for the Commission on the Accreditation of Ambulance Services, and a non-executive member of the Board of Directors for Velico Medical.

Douglas Kupas, MD, FAEMS, FACEP
Medical Director of Mobile Integrated Healthcare, Director of Resuscitation Programs, EMS Medical Director, and Emergency Physician, Geisinger Health, Pennsylvania; Medical Director, National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)

Phil Koster, BS, ASM, Paramedic,
Chief Operations Officer at Chatham Emergency Services, Savannah, Georgia.

Chris Le Baudour, MA
Emergency Medical Services Administrator, County of Marin, Windsor, California;

Shannon Stephens, EMTP, CCEMTP
Executive Director of the Center for Injury Science, Director of the Department of Surgery, and Senior Researcher at University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama; Reviewer, The Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services, Glenview, Illinois